I.Ioannou roryt at hol.gr
Sat Feb 8 00:59:49 EET 1997

On Fri, 7 Feb 97 11:52:13 EET, you wrote:

>Loipon katarxas meta thn dhmiourgia tou ellhnikou hellug einai foverh h =
h idea sou gia thn dhmiourgia ellhnikou distribution...(apo to =

Antigrafo apo gramma toy lonewolf :

>> Ena thema poy me endiaferei, einai i dimioyrgia toy HELUG  kai to =3D
>> registration
>> aytoy sto linux.org - i lista tha mporoyse na einai meros toy. =
(lonewolf =3D
>>  ti
>> ginetai ??) Thelo ti gnomi sas : anakoinosi sto linux.announce tora, i=
>> fiaxtei to HELUG kai na pane ola mazi ?
>	Gia to HELUG eginan DYO anakoinoseis mexri tora sto c.o.l.a.
>(comp.os.linux.annonce).  To HELUG exei bei stiw listes ton Linux User
>Group tis SSC kai mias allis, meros toy Linux Documentation Project.
>Isos kapoy edo an bre8ei dikogoros na analabei ta nomika gia tin
>morfopoihsh toy Group se episimo Sillogo.

Pao na ksanakitakso tin selida, giati gia na po tin alithia then tin exo =
poli kala - pos ginetai kaneis melos klp.

See U
I.Ioannou (roryt at hol.gr)

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