[Lbw2007] registration software activated

d.a.glynos glynos at storm.cs.unipi.gr
Sat May 19 18:03:44 EEST 2007

Hello all,

I've activated the registration software for the LBW2007 which can
be found at:

I've also put a link for the registration on the official wiki frontpage:

Since Spyros has joined the army, he left me in charge of updating the
registration software in order to suit the needs of this year's LBW.
The software now runs without the need for "register_globals" and does
not require a PHP preprocessor for pages of type HTML.

There are a few things that still need to be tweaked in the source
but they don't stand in the way of registration/event-scheduling
and thus could be performed later on. These future enhancements include:

* minor modifications to the admin/ dir code so that it includes correctly
  the common html files
* mysql_real_escape ALL input variables passed to mysql queries
  (this has been done partially, only for the registration-related code)
* enable use of hashed passwords

>From what I understand by looking at previous posts to this list,
the new code should be resubmitted to an svn repository. I'll contact
Sven about this and upload the relevant files once I find some spare

Please note that if you had created an account for any of the previous
LBW events, that account is still valid!

To initialise the list of registered parties for this year's LBW
I had to unset all arrival/departure dates. Hence, once you know
your arrival/departure dates you should update these at:
so that the organisers can have a realistic view on the number of people
attending this year's event :)

That's all for now. I'll be happy to answer any queries you might
have about the registration software.


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