[Lbw2007] [Lbw] Stuff about LBW'07 (long!)

Jenny Radcliffe lbw at jsradcliffe.me.uk
Tue Jan 16 23:31:12 EET 2007

On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 11:00:05PM +0200, Spiros Bolis wrote:
> Guys (and ladies),

Just because I can't resist remarking: I deny profusely being a lady
and am quite happy being included in "guys". :)

*snip excellent information*

> Thank you for going through that long text (you did read it, didn't
> you?),

Yes, I did. Thank you for it - I am feeling greatly reassured and
exceedingly positive, now, about this LBW.

On the assumption that, provided my life doesn't do anything weird in
the mean time, I shall be coming, I have now dug out my Greek
textbooks ....

Once again, thank you for all the work you've put in and particularly
this very reassuring explanation.


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