[imapfilter-devel] Searches only return first matching result? (v2.2.2)

Jesse Connell jesse08 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 18:45:41 EET 2010

On 12/20/2010 09:42 AM, Jesse Connell wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've compiled and installed imapfilter 2.2.2 and I'm trying to run some
> filters on my Microsoft Exchange account at work through davmail gateway
> -- http://davmail.sourceforge.net/ . I'm basically connecting to an IMAP
> server running locally, which converts the requests to Microsoft
> moon-speak on the fly and then delivers the results.
> Most things work fine, but whenever I try any sort of search function
> (like select_all, contain_subject, etc.) it only seems to return the
> first message it finds that matches the criteria. Here's my testing
> config.lua and the output I actually see:
> account = IMAP {
> server = 'localhost',
> username = 'jesse08',
> port = 1143
> }
> account.INBOX:check_status()
> test = account.INBOX:select_all()
> print('messages in INBOX:')
> for _, message in ipairs(test) do
> mailbox, uid = unpack(message)
> print(mailbox[uid]:fetch_field('Subject:'))
> end
> Enter password for jesse08 at localhost:
> 235 messages, 235 recent, 0 unseen, in jesse08 at localhost/INBOX.
> messages in INBOX:
> Subject: Tuition Exchange Program Notification for 2011-2012
> I can't quite tell if it's imapfilter, davmail, or my own inexperience
> with lua that's to blame. In davmail's defense, its running log shows
> all messages in the INBOX being listed, and then a request for the
> subject field of that single message. Any ideas? Thanks,
> Jesse

And if I'd taken another look at the man page, I'd have thought to 
provide the debug log in the first place!  Here it is.


getting response (4):

* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 AUTH=LOGIN] IMAP4rev1 DavMail 3.8.7-1558 
server ready

sending command (4):

1000 NOOP

getting response (4):

1000 BAD command authentication required

sending command (4):


getting response (4):


getting response (4):

1001 OK CAPABILITY completed

sending command (4):

1002 LOGIN "jesse08" *

getting response (4):

1002 OK Authenticated

sending command (4):


getting response (4):


getting response (4):

1003 OK STATUS completed

sending command (4):


getting response (4):

* 256 EXISTS

getting response (4):

* 256 RECENT
* OK [UIDNEXT 17579]
* FLAGS (\Answered \Deleted \Draft \Flagged \Seen $Forwarded Junk)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Deleted \Draft \Flagged \Seen 
$Forwarded Junk)]
1004 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed

sending command (4):


getting response (4):

* SEARCH 9248

getting response (4):

* SEARCH 12901
* SEARCH 13258
* SEARCH 14549
* SEARCH 16121
* SEARCH 16174
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* SEARCH 16535
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1005 OK SEARCH c
getting response (4):


sending command (4):


getting response (4):

* 1 FETCH (UID 9248 BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Subject:)] {62}

getting response (4):

Subject: Tuition Exchange Program Notification for 2011-2012
1006 OK UID FETCH completed

sending command (4):


getting response (4):

* BYE Closing connection

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