[imapfilter-devel] whishes

Cedric Pradalier cedric.pradalier at inrialpes.fr
Sat May 15 15:25:58 EEST 2004

According to Cyrille Lefevre, on Sat, 15 May 2004 13:29:32 +0200, 
>do you thing it would be possible to implement open/read/write/close
>to a socket to communicate w/ other programs such as sendmail ?

I have not looked to the code, but it is quite sure you can implement
this by mimicking the popen and pclose functions. socket and pipes are
very similar in linux.

>another interresting feature would have to have a deliver function
>w/ file locking, so imapfilter would be enable to replace the couple
>fetchmail/procmail to speadup things a lot.

Personnaly, I think this escapes from imapfilter topic. I prefer
specialized atomic programs, good at their job and, due to their limited
set of functionnality, easy to maintain.

The more functionnalities we add, the greater the risk to convert a very
good and clean tool into a messy program...

>of course, for instance, an external deliver program may be forked,
>but this isn't an efficient solution.

In terms of speed maybe, but unless you get thousands of mail a day,
this is not really a problem. On the other hand, relying on a well-known
code for delivery is much more efficient in terms of reliability
compared to using a home-made delivery.

With version 1 of imapfilter you can pipe mail in any program. If you
pipe in procmail, then you get your delivery. And you make imapfilter
acts as fetchmail... 

>well, in this case, some other functions would have to be created to
>ease the use of imapfilter, and a daemon mode would have to be
>implemented as well, etc.

There is already a daemon mode


"[Of course] I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous 
accent, you silly king-a?!"  Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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