[imapfilter-devel] whishes

Lefteris Chatzibarbas lefcha at hellug.gr
Sat May 15 15:14:44 EEST 2004

On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 01:29:32PM +0200, Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
> do you thing it would be possible to implement open/read/write/close
> to a socket to communicate w/ other programs such as sendmail ?

There is a Lua library named "luasocket" that makes it possible to do
socket programming in Lua.

> another interresting feature would have to have a deliver function
> w/ file locking, so imapfilter would be enable to replace the couple
> fetchmail/procmail to speadup things a lot.

Yes, it may seem as a good idea to add more features, but then
imapfilter wouldn't be an "IMAP mail filtering utility", but other
things, too.  I try to keep imapfilter small and make it do one specific
thing well...

A user can easily write messages to the filesystem using Lua and I may
add, after 1.0, auxiliary functions that will save messages to the
filesystem in mbox, maildir, etc. format.

> of course, for instance, an external deliver program may be forked,
> but this isn't an efficient solution.
> well, in this case, some other functions would have to be created to
> ease the use of imapfilter, and a daemon mode would have to be
> implemented as well, etc.

BTW, the "daemon mode" is already implemented in 1.0-rc4.

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