[imapfilter-devel]It does nothing

Matej Cepl matej at ceplovi.cz
Mon Sep 30 01:09:01 EEST 2002

Well, not completely. After reinstallation of whole system
(Debian testing) imapfilter just prints on screen:

	imapfilter: getting term attributes; Invalid argument
	imapfilter: warning: using insecure memory

The first message is avoidable (I send stderr to logger and
imapfilter doesn't like it) and second doesn't matter, but
strange is, that that's it. No information about connection,
failure to connect anything like that. Attached is my
.imapfilterrc -- do you see anything wrong there, please?


Matej Cepl, matej at ceplovi.cz
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays
the illiterates can read.
    -- Alberto Moravia

-------------- next part --------------
# Options #
# Some program options, such as log file and non-response server timeout.
set logfile = /home/matej/.imapfilter.log
set namespace = no
set timeout=120
set headers=yes

# Accounts and mailboxes #

account neu cepl.m:messiah at neumail04.neu.edu ssl
  folder inbox-folder INBOX

# Filters #

filter korejci and
  mask header Content-Type text/html;
  mask header Content-Type euc-kr
  mask or header Content-Type gb2312
  mask or header Content-Type ks_c_5601-1987
action delete Subject

filter spam or
  mask header X-AntiAbuse ""
  mask header X-YahooFilteredBulk ""
  mask header Received superonline.com
  mask subject FREE
#  mask body "Credit"
#  mask and body "Bankruptcy"
#  mask and body "Debt"
#  mask and body "Guarantee"
#  mask or subject "Approval"
#  mask and subject "Credit"
action move spam Subject

# Jobs #
# Last, there is the definition of the jobs where user combines
# folders and filters _already_ defined, and specifies which filters
# should be applied to which folders.
job korejci inbox-folder
job spam inbox-folder

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