[imapfilter-devel]IMAPFilter status report

Lefteris Chatzibarbas lefcha at hellug.gr
Wed Jun 19 21:29:01 EEST 2002


It's been a long time since imapfilter's 0.7 release that introduced new
features, so I'll fill you with what happened in the meantime, where
imapfilter is right now, etc.

The current (CVS) version of imapfilter has support for copy/move of messages
between different IMAP mail servers (rcopy/rmove capability).  That requires
that each "account" must have an alias (the only configuration change), and of
course the mail servers between which the transaction will take place must
have been specified in the config file.

Another feature that was added is the capability to encrypt the accounts'
passwords, in order to avoid storing them in the filesystem in plain form.
This works like mozilla's "master passphrase" scheme.  The passwords are
managed using the integrated command line password editor (more on that
on the imapfilter(1) man page). Also, one can leave the accounts' passwords
blank in the configuration file and will be asked to supply them

A daemon mode was also added, where the user specifies the interval at which
imapfilter will repeatedly poll and process messages.

Imapfilter now keeps track of where sensitive data (passwords, etc.) are
get written in memory and clears the allocated buffers before exit.  If
installed setuid (root) it will lock pages to avoid writting to swap.

Feel free to download and test the CVS version... :-) Bug reports,
suggestions, etc. anticipated.

Basically, the features to be implemented in order to release 0.8 are the
"flag" action (change the flags of messages) and i18n support (accept foreign
language characters in the config and tell the server about the charset used).
So most surely, version 0.8 will be released during July.

There is although the capability to pipe messages to other programs, and
filter based on the exit code of the program (eg. razor), but I think that
this is something really inefficient.  I believe that this is best implemented
in the SMTP server's side (eg. exim's pipe transport). Anyone about this?

Last, there were some other changes related to imapfilter: After the
moving of this mailing list to hellug.gr, its homepage and CVS repository
are also hosted at hellug.gr. So it is

from now on.



PS. Oups! That got long... Please don't filter it, though. :-)

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