[Imapfilter-devel] Design Theory

Matt Cowger mcowger at bowdoin.edu
Thu Dec 13 02:22:51 EET 2001

I have found when working on projects like this, befoer I statrt 
contributing code, it is useful to have in my head what the original 
coder was thinking.  So, is there any chance Lefteris could write just a 
quick "Theory of Operation" so I could understand generally what 
imapfilter tries to do?  Something like this would be invaluable - I 
know it helped me when I statrted working on the Netsaint project.

Just somethig like "Think about it this way - we have this 
datastructure, and we go through it like this...."

BTW - my spam filters for imapfilter are already saving serious amount 
of time.  Thanks!

|Matt Cowger '03       |Student Manager          |
|Home:   207.721.5461  |Bowdoin College          |
|Mobile: 207.522.1246  |Networks & Operations    |
|Pager:  207.471.1837  +-----+-------------------+
|-->Text: mcpage at bowdoin.edu | grep what -i sed? |
|Email:  mcowger at bowdoin.edu |                   |

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