[I18NGR] RedHat again , was Fedora docs translations?

Nikos Charonitakis nikosx at gmail.com
Mon May 29 23:25:16 EEST 2006

καθένας μπορεί να ζήσει το δικό του μύθο...

Red Hat contributions to Free and Open Source software

Red Hat has contributed extensively to Free and Open Source software.
A partial list of software that Red Hat has contributed towards
include the following:


   1. Red Hat contributions to Free and Open Source software
         1. GNOME and the Free Desktop
         2. The Core Operating System
         3. Key Open Source Development Tools
         4. Administration Frameworks
         5. System Clustering
         6. Service Management
         7. Emerging Technologies

GNOME and the Free Desktop

pango: originally written and maintained

glib, gtk+: most primary maintainers and developer work

metacity: written and maintained

nautilus: co-maintained

gnome-panel: co-maintained

gnome-session: maintained

vte: written

cairo: written (employee) and maintained

gconf: written and maintained

dbus: written (employee) and maintained

hal: written (employee) and maintained

gnome-keyring: written and maintained

gnome control-center: co-maintained

evince: written and maintained

NetworkManager: written and maintained

vino: written and maintained

gnome-menus: written and maintained

sabayon: written and maintained

Xorg: major contributions and maintenance
The Core Operating System

LVM2, md

SELinux - Maintains User space tools, Targeted policy, MCS

Kernel 2.6 Audit subsystem - written and maintained



ext3 - Written and maintained

vfs- Written and maintained

usb - patches

Kernel 2.6 Virtual Memory manager - Written and maintained

kernel 2.6 CPU scheduler - Written and maintained

netdump and netconsole

NPTL - Written and maintained

Tux - Written and maintained

several SATA drivers

Several network drivers

Network stack
Key Open Source Development Tools

glibc - Major contributions

gcc and gcj - Major contributions

binutils -

elfutils - Written and maintained


[WWW] "libxml2 and libxslt" development - Written and maintained

[WWW] gamin - FAM replacement library done within Fedora - Written and
Administration Frameworks

RPM - Written and maintained

up2date - Written and maintained

anaconda - Written and maintained

firstboot - Written and maintained

system-config-tools - Written and maintained
System Clustering

gfs - Written (Sistina) and maintained

gfs2 - Written and maintained

dlm - Written and maintained

gulm - Written and maintained

cman - Written and maintained

rgmanager - Written and maintained

ccs - Written and maintained

fence - Written and maintained

system-config-cluster - Written and maintained

gnbd - Written and maintained

dmraid - Written and maintained

bddraid - Written and maintained

csnap - Written and maintained


For more information see [WWW] http://sources.redhat.com/cluster
Service Management




kudzu - Written and maintained




ntsysv - Written and maintained

rhpl - Written and maintained


Emerging Technologies

Hosting the System Tap project

Supporting Xen virtualization


[WWW] libvirt interface for virtualization - Written and maintained
2006/5/29, Panayotis Katsaloulis <panayotis at panayotis.com>:
> On 29 Μαϊ 2006, at 7:41 ΜΜ, Kostas Papadimas wrote:
> >
> > Το πρόβλημα με τα .po του fedora είναι ότι
> > δεν είναι εύκολα προσβασιμα
> > (member access) με αποτέλεσμα να
> > αποθαρρύνονται οι εθελοντές. Αν
> > βάλουμε
> >
> Ayto akribws ennooysan kai ta paidia gia to poso "anoixto" einai to
> Redhat.
> OK, logw adeias ypoxreoyntan na ta dwsei ola pisw sthn koinothta alla
> pote den
> "htan eykola prosbasimh", o,ti ki an shmainei ayto.
> Einai pagia taktikh pollwn kai oxi mono ths RH.

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