[I18NGR] (FYI): CLDR 1.4 Data Submission Period Now Starting

Kostas Papadimas pkst at gmx.net
Fri Feb 3 23:49:54 EET 2006

Ξεκίνησε η περίοδος διορθώσεων στο CLDR  (Common Locale Data Repository) 

Mountain View, CA, USA - 2006-02-03 - The Unicode Consortium today
announced the start of the submission period for locale and language
data for CLDR Version 1.4. The Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR)
project provides a general XML format for the exchange of language and
locale data for use in application and system development, and gathers,
stores, and makes available a common set of language and locale data
generated in that format.

CLDR Version 1.3 contained data for 96 languages and 130 territories. In
addition to new data, CLDR 1.4 will add new structure to support, among
other things: flexible date & time formatting (including quarters),
measurement system names, segmentation (customized line & word break),
and transliteration. For more information, see

During this period, the Unicode consortium encourages the submission of
proposed new data and proposed corrections into the repository. Most of
the data can be entered or viewed via the newly-revised Survey Tool at
http://unicode.org/cldr/apps/survey. An "Instructions" link on that page
provides usage information.

At the end of the submission period (2006-03-15), there is a vetting
period for the submitted data. CLDR 1.4 is scheduled for release on

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