Linux console iso07 fonts

Sarantis Paskalis sarantis at
Wed Jan 30 11:59:35 EET 2002


Me aformh to la8os font iso07.f08.psf kai ton ypobeltisto (gia emena) 
sxediasmo twn ellhnikwn grammatwn sta *.f14 kai *.f14 phra thn prwtoboulia
na ftiaksw to to iso07.f08.psf kai na dior8wsw elafrws ta alla dyo.

San bash gia to f08 phra to gr737-8x8 gia to ellhinko alfabhto kai to
iso01.f08 gia to latiniko.  Gia ta alla dyo elaxistes mikroallages sto 
latiniko alfabhto (gia sygxronismo me ta antistoixa iso01) kai megalyteres
sto ellhinko (na mhn katalambanei pixel sthn teleutaia sthlh, dior8wsh
assymetrias sta ypsh twn xarakthrwnn, kai proswpikes protimhseis).

Xrhsimopoihsa to cfe (console font editor) gia th dior8wsh twn fonts.

An symfwneite genika me tis allages, kai se syndyasmo me opoiadhpote
sxolia exete, na to prow8hsoume kai pros ta panw gia na eksaleif8ei kai
to problhma sthn phgh tou.

-- Sarantis
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