jdict news

Dimitris Kamenopoulos el97146 at mail.ntua.gr
Tue Oct 23 23:09:39 EEST 2001

Ouf, sorry gia ka8ysterhsh, hmoun 
8essalonikh thn prohgoumenh evdomada.
Exw valei kamia 45aria xwres sto jdict
kai oi alles 8a akolou8hsoun syntoma.
Dystyxws omws aytes tis meres 8a exw ligo
argh apokrish, afou -metaksy allwn- ksanaefage 
frikh to ReiserFS kai ksanaexasa olo to 
linux partition mou. Zhtw to ext2. Mporei to 
ReiserFS na einai 8ewrhtika kalytero, alla kai ayto to 
pragma pia, na ginetai mia m...oyla kai h monh 
lysh na einai petama tou 90% twn dedomenwn 
den to mporw. 
Parempiptontws Simo, eixes steilei ena arxeio
xchat-commented h kati tetoio, me oles tis xwres 
pou apoteloyse kai th vasikh phgh mou. An 8es 
steile allo ena antigrafo, giati phge kai auto me 
ta "internal nodes of the ReiserFS tree".

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