Zhteitai mayros me aytokinhto (pantreyw thn kouniada moy)

Christos Ricudis ricudis at komodino.itc.auth.gr
Wed Oct 12 09:49:45 EEST 2005

Yparxoun kati koutes me hardware gia dwrea ston syllogo, poy prepei na 
metafer8oun apo th 8essalonikh sthn A8hna. An yparxei kapoios poy 
anebokatebainei taktika A8hna-8essalonikh kai 8a mporouse na boh8hsei, 
as mou steilei ena mail.

(oxi, den psaxnw mayro gia thn kouniada moy, alla kapws eprepe na sas 
kanw na diabasete to mail)

Christos Ricudis				ricudis at itc.auth.gr
Systems Administrator				+30-2310-998656
IT Support Center
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE

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