SANE submission deadline approaching

Alexios Zavras zvr+hellug at
Tue Sep 27 11:00:48 EEST 2005

Alexios Zavras wrote [edited]:
> Gia osoys den to kseroyn, eimai program chair gia th SANE 2006,
> poy einai mia conference gia System Administration and Network Engineering
> kai ginetai sthn Eyrwph kathe 2 xronia.  Oles oi plhrofories sto
> Tha hthela na sas parotrynw na ypoballete ergasies sthn conference.

Epeidh molis to apanthsa gia trith fora, as to grapsw kai sth lista:

Oi authors twn accepted papers den plhrwnoyn conference registration
kai yposthrizontai oikonomika gia metabash/diamonh/klp.  :-) :-) :-)

Dhl. ta lefta den einai dikaiologia gia mh ypobolh :-)

Kai pali
> Sth diathesh sas gia opoiadhpote symplhrwmatikh plhroforia.

-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr at

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