GPL violations (Re: Fwd: Αποδελτίωση 12-09-2005 με 18-9-2005)

Spiros Bolis sbolis at
Wed Sep 21 18:28:17 EEST 2005

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Christos Ricudis wrote:

> >exw dei kata noy tis: Mikrotik ( - poylane ena linux
> >sto opoio exoyn 24 xroniko periorismo! Apo source de, dinoyn alla ant'
> >allwn
> Ti akribws "alla anti allwn" dinei h mikrotik apo sources?

De dinoyn to "full corresponding machice readable source code". Toy
testin soy lene "na, emeis ayta exoyme kai kopse to laimo soy na na
syntheseis" pragma poy nomizw pws den epitrepetai apo th GPL. Exoyn
bebaia "written offer" "valid" gia parapanw apo "3 years" na soy dwsoyn
kapoio source kwdika. Ayth h periptwsh thelei opwsdhpote diereynhsh

Endiaferoysa leptomereia: yparxoyn kapoioi poy dinoyn lefta me to tsoybali
kai sthrizoyn tetoies etaireies


bash, boa, dialog, e2fsprogs, fileutils, getty_ps, gzip, modutils,
mount, net-tools, procps, shellutils,
sysklogd, sysvinit, tar, textutils, updated, util-linux

For the above GPL licensed programs in accordance
with the GPL license, Mikrotikls offers to organize a copy of the source
code or it can be found on most
standard Linux distributions

glibc, libstdc++, ncurses, termcap - For the above LGPL licensed
programs in accordance with the
LGPL license, Mikrotikls offers to organize a copy of the source code or
it can be found on most
standard Linux distributions


To get a CD with the corresponding source code for the GPL-covered
programs in this distribution, wire transfer $45 to MikroTikls SIA,
Pernavas 46, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia. Please contact MikroTikls SIA for
our current account information and wire transfer instructions. Offer
valid until 2010. This CD will only include the source code of the
following programs according to the license requirements. This CD will
not include MikroTikls proprietary SOFTWARE.

Y.G. Kalwstona, mas eleipses :-)

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