Parousia toy Dilima sto periptero toy hellug

Yannis Giftomitros yang at
Wed Jul 5 17:03:12 EEST 2000

On 05-Jul-2000 TSAKALOGLOU KONSTANT wrote:
> Epidi h symmetoxh toy h oxi den ine apofasi toy DS h tvn 20 an8ropon poy
> bre8ikan sthn synantisi, to 8ema ti8ete sti lista gia syzitish ke parallila
> anigi psifoforia gia na apofasisoyme. H liksi ths psifoforias 8a gini Trith
> 11/07 ke analoga me ta apotelesmata 8a do8i ke I antistixi apantisi sto
> Dilima.

Etoimh kai h psifoforia


yang at

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