Eforeftiki epitropi

Alexander Deliyannis alx at createur.org
Sun Oct 17 17:10:46 EEST 1999

Tha ithela na symmetasxw stis ekloges ws eforeftiki epitropi. Vrisomai
ektos Athinwn kai tha epistrepsw stis 25/10. Elpizw afto na min apotelei
Me filikous xairetismous apo tin Kriti

Alexander Deliyannis, PO box 24089, 11110 Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +30-1-2113812, Fax: +30-1-3845330, Mob.: +30-977-445666
e-mail: alx at createur.org 

"Speak only well of people and you never need to whisper."

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