Na 'maste...

pestilence pestilence at
Thu Oct 14 12:20:42 EEST 1999

Xoris na thelo na thixo, ligo polloi sxedon oloi mas xekhnhsame apo to
mhden kai siga siga me howto, manpages kai oti allo mporousame na broume
apokthsame tis gnoseis tis opoies mporei na exei o kathenas.
Shmerizomai thn apopsh sou oti me mia aplh apanthsh polles fores den
mporeis na matheis alla parallhla apantas kai monos sou se kati. Apo thn
stigmi pou o x xrhsths sou dosei thn lysh kai afou thn efarmoseis me
epityxia mporeis meta na peiramatisths h na psaxeis na mathis ti kanei
to kathena.
P.X gia to fstab afou labeis thn apanthsh apo ton xrhsth kai xereis oti
kapou anaferete to fstan mporeis aneta na kaneis ena search sto internet
h na psaxeis se biblia kai keimena gia thn perigrafi kai thn apanthsh
gia to ti einai fstan kai pos leitourgei.
Tora sto thema xronou endeiktika na anafero oti douleyo to proi,
parakoloutho panephstimiakh sxolh to apogeyma kai ahtloume apogeyma pros
bradi tis hmeres pou den exo sxolh, parolayta panta prospatho kai brisko
xrono sto na matho kati to opoio thelw.
Ola einai thema thelisis (xoris na yponoow oti den exeis h den exeis
kapoios allos o opoios rwtaei).
Telos pisteyo (kata thn dikia mou gnomi) o kalyteros tropos na mathis
einai na pedaiyths giati tote mono pragmatika matheneis.

Kostas Petrakis aka Pestilence
Head admin of Netplan LTD.
pestilence at
Rewted Network Security Labs
pestilen at

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