Hardware gia Infosystem (htan Re: A9hnaioi & Infosystem)

Theodore J. Soldatos theodore at eexi.gr
Tue Sep 28 12:22:04 EEST 1999

Spiros Bolis wrote:

> Otan les diktyo Thodwrh fantazomai pws tha prokeitai gia th 1 briza kai to
> hub (poy mas eleges ston kafene sto Thiseio).
> Boroyme na exoyme perissoteres plhrofories gia
> a. ton arithmo twn diathesimwn portwn toy hub

8 toylaxiston - etsi ki allios posa mhxanhmata tha xoresoun se 4x4 periptero ?

> kai
> b. ta mhxanhmata ?

Mexri stigmhs sigoura: 2 proegatesthmena me SuSE apo Makedonika perifereiaka, 1
apo Ricudi. 

> Epishs: isxyei akoma o arxikos enthoysiasmos gia ta peri live video feed ?
> An nai, yparxei kamera ?

Evris and Voulariba, exete diktyo ekei stas eparxias ? An mas akoute apanthste
... :-)

> kai an nai, boroyme na thn egkatasthsoyme sta parapanw mhxanakia h den
> exoyme dikaiwma na ta peira3oyme ?

E, toylaxiston to 1 apo ayta den nomizo na yparxei provlhma...


=  theodore at eexi.gr =_/_==Ultimate=Programmer,=and=turned=off=the=air=supply.=
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