Xristws Anesth & Re: RAM Draft #2

Georgatos Fotis gef at ceid.upatras.gr
Tue Apr 13 22:08:25 EEST 1999

Geia xara paidia,

nomizw einai kalh idea na dhmosieytei to gramma kai sto site
www.hellug.gr wste na kserei o kosmos oti yparxei drash apo thn meria
tou HELLUG kai malista amesh.

Pistevw oti tha htan skopimo na anaferotan ta pragmata me to onoma 
toys oson afora tis texnikes leptomereies toy CD, dhl: 
eprepe na xrhsimopoihsoun Rock-Ridge format, kai antistoixo logismiko (px
Xcdroast), tha htan kalh idea na mas rwtagan prwta... 
Den ikseres, den rwtages?
Opws kai na'xei pikra, giati htan mia kalh prospatheia ek merous tou RAM.

Tespa, tha ananewsw to HOWTO syntoma (kserw olo ayto lew...), tha balw kai
dyo logia gia to Rock-Ridge format, einai mia gnwsh pou prepei na

Mhpws yparxei kaneis gennaios gia to HOWTO?

Xanw ta fagopotia re gamwto...
Kala na pernate

|  Georgatos Photis    |   University of Patras,                      |
|                      |   Dpt. of Computer Engineering & Informatics | 
|  GGGG EEEE FFFF      |   N-th year student of CEID                  |
|  G    E    F         +----------------------------------------------+
|  G    EEE  FFF       |        www:  http://www.ceid.upatras.gr/~gef |
|  G  G E    F         |     e-mail:  mailto:gef at ceid.upatras.gr      |
|  GGGG EEEE F         |      phone:  +30-94-809595                   |

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