ipopsifiotita #1

Georgatos Fotis gef at ceid.upatras.gr
Tue Oct 6 20:17:54 EEST 1998

On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Voula Sanida wrote:

> Kai ena proeklogiko logidrio:
> alloi einai se kommata kai alles tha fernoun
> theokommata (koinos manoulia) stis sinelevseis tou
> Skefteite to symferon sas ;-)

To skeftika sobara kai exeis dikio.
Mesa kai egw gia ypopsifiothta proswrinou DS.

Proeklogikh dhlwsh:
"Tha sthrijw thn eparxia, 
oxi sthn sysswreysh ejousiwn"

geia xara apo Brindisi
Fotis & Giorgos

|  Georgatos Photis    |   University of Patras,                      |
|                      |   Dpt. of Computer Engineering & Informatics | 
|  GGGG EEEE FFFF      |   N-th year student of CEID                  |
|  G    E    F         +----------------------------------------------+
|  G    EEE  FFF       |        www:  http://www.ceid.upatras.gr/~gef |
|  G  G E    F         |     e-mail:  mailto:gef at ceid.upatras.gr      |
|  GGGG EEEE F         |      phone:  +30-94-809595                   |

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