Leipei o Marths ap' thn Sarakosth?

Georgatos Fotis gef at ceid.upatras.gr
Wed Apr 29 21:16:38 EEST 1998

Xairetw toys sylistobious.
Sas stelnw ta stoixeia mou.

Phra kai to katastatiko gia homework.

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Maistrelis  Kostas wrote:
> mexri tora exoun dilosei 13 atoma
> kai einai aloi 5-6 pou exoun endiafer8ei genika
> kai tous exo stilei mail..

H en Patrais dieythinsi genika den bolebei:
Gewrgatos Fotis
Aliartou 32, Lambrini
TK11142, Athens

Ta ypoloipa apo katw.

|  Georgatos Photis    |   University of Patras,                      |
|                      |   Dpt. of Computer Engineering & Informatics | 
|  GGGG EEEE FFFF      |   5th year student of CEID                   |
|  G    E    F         +----------------------------------------------+
|  G    EEE  FFF       |        www:  http://www.ceid.upatras.gr/~gef |
|  G  G E    F         |     e-mail:  mailto:gef at ceid.upatras.gr      |
|  GGGG EEEE F         |      phone:  +30-94-809595                   |

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