Maistrelis Kostas
fm94 at freemail.gr
Sat Apr 25 21:09:06 EEST 1998
>Na ypothesw oti leipoun oloi h den exei graftei kaneis allos sth lista;
>To mono pou eixa akousei einai gia kapoia synantish thn Kyriakh tou
>Thwma (methavrio dhaladh) me thema thn idrysh tou "hellug". Alla den
>kserw oute pou oute akrivh wra.
Re pedia Mi varate estila kapaki minima me tin ora kanis den to ide:
--H metapasxalinh SYNANTHSH gia ta 8emata tis Dianomis kai toy Sylogou ine:
--kiriaki 26/4 , platia e3arxion sto cafe floral
--na eistai oloi ekei :-))
--KYRIAKH ORA: 18:00
,,, __.---------------------------.___
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__ooO_(_)_Ooo__|__| Save the Dream of BBSing |_|_| 6(o o)
|__|__|___|___|__|_| www.linux.org |___|// ( )
| Maistrelis Kostas| promote free software |_|_|\\-\ /\.
| fm94 at tee.gr |__|_| against commercialization |___| `, : ||
| fm94 at freemail.gr_`---------------------------'_|_| |-._|/
| icq.mail:|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| \| |
| 3957133 at pager.mirabilis.com ___|___|___|___|___|_| | |\
p(r,c) int r;char c;{int i,j,k;for(i=1;i<r;i++){for(j=1;j<i;j++) {printf(" ")
;}printf("%c",c);for(k=1;k<999;k++){printf("\a");}printf("\r");}} main(){char
e[]={"fm94 at freemail.gr"};int l;for(l=48;l>32;l--){p(l,e[l-33]);}printf("\n");}
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